Triplo ESG

BetaDen showcase: celebrating emerging tech talent

In a celebration of innovation and emerging technology talent, Triplo took part in the BetaDen Showcase held on March 15th, 2023. The event, renowned for spotlighting cutting-edge technologies and entrepreneurial spirit, provided Triplo with a platform to showcase our latest advancements and vision for the future.

The event was organised by BetaDen in conjunction with Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership and incorporated two events: an Innovation Forum bringing together businesses to address current technology and innovation challenges; and a Technology Showcase where BetaDen’s cohort founders shared progress updates and pitched for investment, customers and development partners.


BetaDen showcase: celebrating emerging tech talent

In a celebration of innovation and emerging technology talent, Triplo took part in the BetaDen Showcase held on March 15th, 2023. The event, renowned for spotlighting cutting-edge technologies and entrepreneurial spirit, provided Triplo with a platform to showcase our latest advancements and vision for the future.

The event was organised by BetaDen in conjunction with Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership and incorporated two events: an Innovation Forum bringing together businesses to address current technology and innovation challenges; and a Technology Showcase where BetaDen’s cohort founders shared progress updates and pitched for investment, customers and development partners.